Arrow® Berman Angiographic Catheters

The Arrow® Berman Angiographic Catheters from Teleflex are designed to help reduce patient complications during pulmonary angiography procedures and Balloon Occlusion Femoral Angiography (BOFA).1,2,3,4 Berman catheters provide a high flow of dye injection through side holes to optimize dye distribution and minimize the risk of arrhythmias, and myocardial staining by directing dye away from the myocardial wall.5,6,7,8

Two catheter styles:

  • Standard Berman Catheter is indicated for pulmonary angiography, Balloon Occlusion Femoral Angiography (BOFA), and right heart pressure measurements
  • Reverse Berman Catheter is indicated for Balloon Occlusion Pulmonary Angiography (BOPA)

A broad product offering to match patients’ needs:

  • Lengths 50-110 cm
  • Sizes 4, 5, 6, and 7 Fr.

Standard Berman Catheter injects contrast media proximal to balloon
Reverse Berman Catheter
injects contrast media distal to balloon


  1. Amplatz K, Cross J, Moore R, Korbuly D, Kot-ula F, Castaneda-Zuniga WR. Changerless peripheral angiography: a new concept. Radiol-ogy. October 1980;137:213-215.
  2. Buonocore E, Lynch TP. Flow-directed balloon catheterization for aortofemoral arteriography using the axillary artery approach. Am J Roent-genology. November 1978;131:823-825.
  3. Cardella JF, Smith TP, Darcy MD, Hunter DW, Castaneda-Zuniga W, Amplatz K. Balloon oc-clusion femoral angiography prior to in-situ saphenous vein bypass. Cardiovascular and In-terventional Radiol. 1987;10:181-187.
  4. Chermet J. Arteriography of lower limbs with blocked circulation. Radiology. September 1981;140:826-830.
  5. Jones SM, Miller GAH. Catheterization of the pulmonary artery in transposition of the great arteries using a Swan-Ganz flow-directed catheter. Br Heart J. 1973;44:298-300.
  6. Kelly DT, Krovetz LJ, Rowe RD. Double-lumen flotation catheter for use in complex car-diac anomalies. Circulation. 1971;44:910-913.
  7. Stanger P, Heymann MA, Hoffman JIE, Rudolph AM. Use of the Swan-Ganz catheter in cardiac catheterization of infants and children. Am Heart J. 1972;83:749-752.
  8. Lisa Bergersen, Susan Foerster, Audrey C. Marshall, Jeffery Meadows, Springer Science & Business Media, Congenital Heart Disease: The Catheterization Manual Nov 21, 2008.
The Arrow® Berman Angiographic Catheter is indicated for use in right heart catheterization for cardiac angiography, and measurement of the right heart and pulmonary artery pressures. It can be used to inject radiopaque media and measure pressures in any chamber or vessel that can be entered from the right heart.The Arrow® Berman Angiographic Catheter is also indicated for use in Balloon Occlusion Femoral Angiography (BOFA) of the ipsilateral leg for adult patients.

The Arrow® Reverse Berman Angiographic Catheter is indicated for balloon occlusion pulmonary angiography.

Refer to the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions. Information in this material is not a substitute for the product Instructions for Use.

CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Not all products are available in all regions. Please contact customer service to confirm availability in your region.

Teleflex, the Teleflex logo and Arrow are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teleflex Incorporated or its affiliates, in the U.S. and/or other countries. MC-004325 Rev 0

Revised: 04/2018.