Complex operations require the right tool.

Teleflex revolutionized an industry and brought you the GuideLiner® V3 Catheter, a device that continues to build on a history of innovation and performance with more than 1.6 million units in cath labs around the world.1 Now, with the addition of the GuideLiner® Coast® Catheter, comes choice and the freedom to select a specific catheter to meet the specific needs of your clinical case.

GuideLiner® is the only commercially available guide extension portfolio that offers both silicone and hydrophilic coated solutions to meet your unique clinical challenges with strong performance in backup support2 and deliverability.3

Ready to face the most difficult anatomies.

Dynamic Clinical Uses

  • Coaxial alignment and backup support
  • Deep-seating for distal device delivery
  • Selective delivery of contrast
  • Designed to provide the maximum deliverability for complex percutaneous coronary interventions while maintaining the backup support required to cross difficult lesions

Designed to Perform

  • Coil-reinforced extension specifically designed to enable dependable deep-seating for the delivery of interventional devices to distal locations to maintain luminal integrity
  • Half-pipe channel designed to minimize device/collar interaction by directing and aligning devices through the collar transition, facilitating smooth device entry and seamless delivery
  • Half-pipe construction is also designed to minimize the opportunity for device separation by creating a 17 cm polymer bond between the extension and push rod
  • 1.6 Million GuideLiner® V3 Catheters. 0 Reported Collar Separations in PCI.4

Tortuosity Tested

  • Designed to adapt to unique challenges in complex percutaneous coronary interventions; offering operators a total solution for addressing specific clinical needs encountered during the crossing of difficult lesions
  • Coil-reinforced guide extension provides excellent flexibility and kink resistance allowing delivery through tortuous vessels to reach the target area3
  • Coil-reinforced guide extension is designed to maintain luminal integrity

What your peers are saying about GuideLiner® Guide Extension Portfolio.

"The GuideLiner® gives me the confidence to deliver my chosen balloon or stent to almost any location."

- Michael S. Lee, MD, FACC, FSCAI*

"The GuideLiner® has become an indispensable part of my tool kit for complex PCI. Simply put, it's a game changer."

- Matthew Price, MD, FACC, FSCAI*

*Dr. Lee and Dr. Price are paid consultants of Teleflex. These statements reflect the personal experiences and opinions of these physicians.


  1. Data on file with Teleflex.
  2. All values based on bench test data averages (n≥5) of 6 Fr. models and are analyzed with a minimum of 95% confidence as a percentage of the means. All comparisons based on bench test results. Testing completed by Teleflex. Data on file at Teleflex. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.
  3. Required less force in a simulated model. Testing completed by Teleflex. Data on file at Teleflex. Bench test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.
  4. Based upon a review of device experience reports for coronary usage of GuideLiner® V3 Catheters from launch until November 9, 2022. GuideLiner® V3 Catheters required less force in a simulated model. Data on file at Teleflex. Results may not be indicative of clinical performance.
  5. Backup support assessed at 2cm extension outside of the guide catheter. All values and relative product comparisons are based on bench test data averages (n≥5). Testing completed by Teleflex. Data on file.

GuideLiner® V3 and GuideLiner® Coast® Catheters are intended to be used in conjunction with guide extension catheters to access discrete regions of the coronary and/or peripheral vasculature, to facilitate placement of interventional devices, and to assist in crossing de novo coronary chronic total occlusions (CTO). GuideLiner® V3 Catheters are indicated for CTO in the US only. The GuideLiner® Coast® Catheter is indicated for CTO in the US and Canada.

GuideLiner Catheters are contraindicated in vessels less than 2.5mm in diameter and in vessels in the neurovasculature or the venous system.

Federal Law (USA) restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Not all products may be available in all countries. For product information please contact or your local representative. Refer to the applicable Instructions for Use for the indications approved in your geography. Please check your local regulatory approval status.

Teleflex, the Teleflex logo, Coast, and GuideLiner are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teleflex Incorporated or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Information in this document is not a substitute for the product Instructions for Use. Not all products may be available in all countries. Please contact your local representative.

© 2024 Teleflex Incorporated. All rights reserved. Revised 02/2024. MC-009506 LA EN