Arrow® StimuQuik® ECHO Echogenic Stimulating cPNB Needle

The clinician-inspired Arrow® StimuQuik® and StimuQuik® ECHO Peripheral Nerve Block Needles are designed to help increase overall block success by enhancing control and maneuverability during needle positioning. The Arrow® StimuQuik® ECHO Needle's five grooved rings help improve the visibility of the needle under ultrasound while maintaining the same clinician-inspired features of the standard StimuQuik® Needles.

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StimuQuik Product

Needle tip designed with:

  • StimuQuik ECHO needles feature five grooved rings at the distal end of the needle cannula to help clinicians locate the tip of the needle under ultrasound

    Top left image: StimuQuik ECHO under ultrasound in porcine model using SonoSite® S-Nerve machine.

  • Less traumatic B-bevel needle tip for optimal balance between tactile feedback and tissue penetration
Centimeter Markings

Clear, easy to read centimeter markings on needle cannula provide visual confirmation of insertion depth


Ergonomic needle hub for precision grip

StimuQuik Detail Connector

2 mm pin connector is compatible with most nerve stimulators

Insulated needle shaft with a stimulating tip allows for needle guidance using stimulation and/or ultrasound

Extended length of injection tubing and electrical lead connections help preserve the sterile field

SonoSite and S-Nerve are trademarks or registered trademarks of FUJIFILM SonoSite, Inc.

Teleflex, Arrow, FlexBlock, FlexTip Plus, StimuCath, StimuQuik and SureBlock are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teleflex Incorporated or its affiliates, in the U.S. and/or other countries. LA MC-001250