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In addition to following these best practices, use meticulous care in cleaning the hub with alcohol prior to each and every access. Scrub the hub for a minimum of 15 seconds with alcohol and then allow to dry. Be sure to scrub top and sides of hub including threads.

Other infection prevention measures include effective catheter securement to reduce the movement of the catheter, following line care protocols with routine tubing changes, surveillance for infections and isolation of insertion sites from infectious sites (11).

Cellulitis is a serious skin infection which may result from catheter movement, accumulation of moisture at the insertion site or poor site care.

Symptoms of cellulitis include:

  • Pain or tenderness at the entry site
  • Erythema that extends in a circle around the catheter entrance

To prevent cellulitis, secure the catheter using a manufactured catheter securement device or sutures and cover with an occlusive dressing. Perform a daily assessment of the insertion site and the dressing. Change dressing if it is loose, soiled or non-occlusive. Use meticulous site care during daily assessments and dressing changes (11).

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