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Maximal Barrier Precautions

Maximal sterile barriers are established to create an aseptic barrier, minimizing the passage of microorganisms from non-sterile to sterile areas. Maximal barriers include non-sterile cap and mask, sterile gown, sterile gloves and sterile large sheet drapes. The cap, gown, gloves and mask are to protect the patient from the your microorganisms, and the drapes are to protect the patient from having his own microorganisms or bed microorganisms move from non-treated areas into areas that have been cleaned in an aseptic manner. Treat any central venous catheter procedure as you would surgery using maximal sterile full-body drapes, taking special care in the application of sterile gloves and immediately managing any episodes of contamination.

Sterile Field: To establish the sterile field, open the kit which contains the cap, mask, gown, gloves and drapes in an aseptic manner by reaching to the opposite corner of the package and pulling the wrapper toward you. Avoid reaching across the sterile field as you open the package. Open and unwrap the package, but set aside. Set up the gloves but do not put gloves on at this time. The cap, mask and eye shield are donned first. This includes tucking hair out of sight and covering all facial hair. Apply cap, mask and eye shield with deliberate care to avoid touching external sterile surfaces with non-sterile objects including the skin. Re-wash your hands and use a sterile towel to dry (see above Hand Hygiene section). The next step is to don the gown in a sterile manner. This may require assistance for tie closure.

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