Introducing MiniLap® System with MiniGrip® Handle

An exciting evolution of the MiniLap® Percutaneous Surgical System, the ergonomic, multi-functional MiniGrip® Handle makes it easy for surgeons to grasp and manipulate tissue, while providing both ratcheted and non-ratcheted capabilities.

The slim 2.4 mm shaft allows for percutaneous insertion without the need for a trocar causing less trauma for ideal cosmesis.

For the patient, it's less invasive and heals with a nearly unnoticeable scar and potentially less pain. For the surgeon, the familiar handle design makes it easy to grasp and manipulate tissue.

Fewer Trocars

  • The integrated needle tip allows percutaneous insertion without trocars.
  • In many cases, 2 or more trocars can be eliminated.

Less Trauma

  • The 2.4 mm shaft allows for percutaneous insertion, leaving a nearly unnoticeable scar and potentially less pain.
  • Without the use of a trocar, the MiniLap® System can provide the ability to add devices for triangulation and exposure.

Access Diameter Comparison

minilap diameter comparison image

Teleflex MiniLap® System

minilap diameter comparison image

3MM Instrument Ports

2 times larger than the MiniLap® System

minilap diameter comparison image

5MM Instrument Ports

3 times larger than the MiniLap® System

MiniLap® System with MiniGrip® Handle

minilap product feature image
Item Number Product Descrption Unit per Box
PGAC300 MiniGrip Alligator Grasper 6
PGCC300 MiniGrip Clutch Grasper 6
PGBK300 MiniGrip Babcock Grasper 6
PGBC300 MiniGrip Tong Grasper 6

Item Number Product Descrption Unit per Box
GBC250 Alligator Grasper 6
CLC250 Clutch Grasper 6
BCK250 Babcock Grasper 6
BLC250 Bowel Grasper 6

Item Number Product Descrption Unit per Box
ECMC300 Curved Spatula Probe 6
ECMS300  Straight Spatula Probe  6
ECMH300  Hook Probe  6
ECMP300  Conical Probe  6

TO PLACE AN ORDER, CALL 1.866.246.6990

Teleflex, MiniGrip, MiniLap and Minipolar are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teleflex Incorporated. MC-001201 Rev 1
Dispositifs médicaux de classe IIa pour MiniLap et MiniGrip, IIb pour MiniPolar. Organisme notifié: SGS, CE0120. Fabricant du DM:Teleflex USA.

Veuillez vous référer très attentivement à la notice d’utilisation pour les recommandations. Vérifier l’intégrité de l’emballage du dispositif médical avant usage.